Saturday, January 16, 2010

16 January Mission - Day 15

It might be a biggie today, for some people (including me...)

It's wardrobe time! Now, I'm just talking about clothes here - underwear, handbags, shoes and the like are all for going to be done separately.

I try to go through my wardrobe a couple of times a year, especially when my weight has been changing. I don't feel guilty about getting rid of clothes, as most of mine are charity shop purchases in the first place! Even if you've spent a lot of money on an item, it's really not worth it taking up physical and mental space if you don't love it and wear it regularly, so get rid of it - either to someone you know who will love it, to a charity shop, or to a dress agency or list on eBay if you want to recoup some of the money. Swap parties are great - especially if there is a charity shop nearby for the leftovers.

There seems to be a general set of rules for deciding whether to keep an item or not, here is my take on them:

  • is it your size? If it's too big, it needs to go! If it's too small - if you are losing weight, and if the style is still up to date, you can keep it (but put it in a storage place) - you want to be able to grab anything from your wardrobe and be happy with it!
  • does it fit? Whatever the size, if it's a poor fit, you're not going to feel happy wearing it. See if it can be altered, or get rid of it!
  • is it dated? Okay, the Eighties revival is ongoing, but the colours and fabrics are different ... so get rid of anything old! (And shoulder pads in suits never suited anyone anyway...)
  • does the colour suit me? If when you wear it, someone asks if you feel okay, they in probably isn't your colour... I have trouble with certain shades of beige, white, and navy - you'll never see me wearing them, I look incredibly peely wally when I do!
  • do you like it? Perhaps your mum bought it for you, or perhaps it was a bargain in a sale - but now, you don't like it, and you're keeping it out of guilt. Get rid of it!
  • do you need all of these? When my best friend and I decluttered my wardrobe prior to moving here, I had half a dozen pairs of black trousers, most with matching tops. And black doesn't do a lot for someone of my colouring. Did I need so many similar items? No!
  • does the item need repairing? Loose buttons, drooping hems - either fix or pass on. Make a date in your diary to do the fixing, otherwise you won't do it. Yes, been there, done that - and I'm someone who loves sewing! LOL

I only keep current seasons stuff on my clothes rail, everything else is in a drawer under the bed, and my too small stuff is there as well. You might want to try that - it does save time. Also, I keep all similar items together, arranged by colour. At least, that's how it starts out... and why I need to do the challenge!

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